AI Backgrounds


Read the information on creating backgrounds and use various techniques. When your backgrounds and characters are graded according to the rubric and the Unity slides. Do not make your backgrounds too elaborate and time consuming but not too simple, make them just right. Notice the background above how it is a unique style.

Illustrator Setup

Open AI and create an A3 size landscape with 12 artboards in RGB (not CMYK). Later when you are done, you will cut half of your A3 on one side of the book to make it A4 portrait, and the other background on the other side.

Color Scheme

Make sure you use adobe Kuler in your color scheme and put it into your background like the example although don't forget to add your characters in each of the backgrounds and they are in the correct perspective and angle. Download the Guardian vector to cut and paste into your story when he comes out. Edit the Guardian layers to match his actions according to your storyline.

Make sure for each background, if it have the same scene, that you use a different angle, subject shot (wide, medium, close), or perspective of the background. You can use the same objects or things in the background but change their perspective and add additional elements as well to earn points for that background grade. Don't simply use the same exact background as each background is graded separately. For your Design and Unity list grade, you may not write and repeat elements of your background you already wrote down for a previous background. You will need to add to objects and designs to your background to receive credit again.

When finished, save your background as a JPG and post to Schoology. Create a new folder in your Google Drive called CA1 Last, First Name #Storydesign. Save your AI file in this folder called #Storydesign (AI File) and then save each of your full quality JPGs (RGB) in the folder and call them Last, First Name BG1, Last, First Name BG2, etc.

Also, make a copy of this Document one time and save it in the same Google Drive folder and fill in for each finished background. Make sure you share it with and give him edit rights. Type the object or how you used the following design tools in your background. Then explain how you used each of the unity elements in your background design. Feel free to refer to the Unity slides. Insert your background above each list in your Google Doc.

Also in this Google Drive folder, save your Storyline Google Doc.

As a comment, copy and past the completed list in the Document you made for that background to post to Schoology. Also copy and paste your Google Drive link as a comment.

When you copy and paste your list of elements into the Schoology post, make sure to always Remove Formatting so that your comment text is not too big or formated in a weird way. Always do this for future background posts as well.


After you post to Schoology, immediately write a comment on the person who posted before you. Share two things they did well related to the design or AI of their work and one thing that they could do to improve it to make it even better! If you are the first person to post, then you do not need to leave a comment. Continue to comment on future backgrounds that you submit in the same way.

When you create your backgrounds, you must arrange objects that you want to move in separate layers. For example, if you want the sun to move, it should be in its own layer. Make sure you label all layers appropriately.