Narration & Storyboard


Read Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss to see their creative backgrounds across the page and the way they placed the text. Also notice how they rhyme the lines.

Open a Google Doc and name it Your Title by Your Name #GuardianStories.

At the top of the page, type

Your Title by Your Name

and below that, type

Moral of the Story: (describe it)

and below that, type

YISS Schoolwide Learning: (type which one you want to teach and show through the story)

Type Background 1 and which part of the Narrative Arc it is (e.g. rising action, conflict, etc).

Background 1 (introduction)

On a peaceful Sunday afternoon, Pamela, the parrot, was singing outside.

She had not care in the world and nothing to hide.

What a beautiful Sunday!

From the church by the hillside I hear people pray.

I wish I could learn how to talk.

Not just repeat so that people can mock.

Type out your story according to your narrative arc and at the end of each of your sentences, it has to rhyme. Remember that your story is ten backgrounds.

CreativeI need to stress to you that your story & characters need to be creative. Creative simply means different and not predictable. Make sure your story and characters are very different from any story someone else has ever heard. The story above is very unique (characters, backgrounds, & plot).Use the A3 Storyboard Template passed out in class but if you did not receive one, print it out A4 at home. Sketch out in pencil each of your ten storyboards. The first one is your title page and the last one is your Created By Your Name page. Take a photo of your storyboard and insert it at the bottom of your Google Doc story and attach it to Schoology as well.