Part I: Cinematic Filming Practice

ObjectiveTo learn and practice cinematic filming techniques which you will later use in your video.

Step 1: iPhone Tips

Watch the 9 minute video while taking good Cornell-style notes on tips to shoot better that you will use in this assignment and for City Cuts.

Step 2: Cinematic Filming

Take Cornell-style notes on the different types of cinematic filming techniques. Later you will be need to film these so take notes that will help you film.

Step 3: Photography Techniques

Go ahead and watch the iPhone Cinematic View of Los Angeles video. Notice, especially at the beginning of the video, how they used the photography techniques you learned in second quarter. In your CA book, write the list below and the time (e.g. 1:22) in the LA video where each is clearly shown in the video.

    • Space
    • Patterns
    • Framing
    • Lines
    • Aperture
    • Lens Flare or backlight

Next, in your CA book, list the types of the following. You should already know what they are so you can just list the types but you can rewrite the definition if you want to review.

Last class you should have taken notes on all of the film cuts and action shots.

Notes' Check (CA3, CA6, CA8)

By the end of class you must have Cornell notes for the content above finished, which will be checked by Mr. Heil. This check will be your quiz notes' bonus check which you can use on the next quiz and he will not check your notes on the day of the quiz. When you are finished, show Mr. Heil your notes so he can write down your bonus points.

    • 10% iPhone Filming Tips (must write down at least 10 tips)
    • 10% Cinematic Filming
    • 10% Photography Techniques
    • 10% Lighting, Angle, & Subject Shot List

Step 4: Promo

Watch the YISS Promo and try to notice the filming techniques, lighting, angles, shots, and cuts used in the video.

View the overall filming list organized by category and then view the partner list. Whoever's desk is closest to the CA computer lab classroom door is #1, next closest is #2, etc. If your group has three people in a row then your video won't need the requirements for #4. Each member will film his or her shots, edit and then you will all combine the four edited videos together. When filming you should help each other out to make sure it is being filmed correctly since it is a group assignment.

View the storyboard example and then use the storyboard passed out in class. It is also attached to the Schoology assignment if you need to print it again. Each person will draw & use their own to plan out where on campus you will shoot your shots for the YISS promo you are making, which you will film next class.

    • At the top right corner, write your name and number (#1-4)
    • Use one box per shot. For example, if you have an insert cut, one box would show a wide view of the subject and the second box you would draw a closer view of the subject.
    • On the storyboard lines, write the following lines
    • -LINE 1: Name of the filming requirement from the list
    • -LINE 2: Angle of the shot (at least half should not be eye angle) & Subject Shot (e.g. wide)
    • -LINE 3: Specific location at YISS & a description of the subject (e.g. boys' KAIAC soccer trophy) or the name of the subject (e.g. Yudon)
    • Take a photo of it using (e.g. photobooth to post). Next class your group should bring at least one phone to shoot with and make sure you have your notes and storyboard with you as well to help you film. You can start filming early or outside of class if you would like.