Making Of

Story Project Bonus Overview

Create a video documenting and explaining the process and how you created your MV while including the following steps:

  • Title
    • Add your album cover as the background and place the following text on top of the slide with colors and size that looks good and easily seen: The Making of "Your Song" by Your Artist name
    • Transitions
    • Create matching title transitions between all topics (use the bold bulleted text shown on this page for the titles)
    • Background Music
    • For all of your interviews, play soft background music with no lyrics from
  • Intro
    • Video yourself giving a brief overview of this video. For this short intro part, choose a good location outside and film it during the day with good lighting. Film the conclusion (last bullet at the same time).
    • e.g. Intro: Hi, my name is Jeremy and I'm going to explain how I created my story starting with writing the plot, creating he characters, designing the backgrounds, and making the story come alive with animation.
    • Filming Tips
    • When you film, make sure there is plenty of light, good backgrounds, choose good clothes, speak loud enough, don't appear to be boring (be somewhat energetic), and be unique. It is very important that you test your audio and make sure it is clear.
    • When you film yourself talking, you should not be in the center, follow the rule of thirds (example). Your camera should be on a tripod or on a desk so that it is stable with no camera shake.
  • Story Plot
    • Video yourself explaining what gave you the general idea for your story and the character while showing your thought process through your chart.
    • Explain the structure of your story and show your structure image and show your storyboards while explaining the story.
    • Talk more in detail about each of your characters including yours and why you chose their characteristics and personality (show their images).
    • Angle Tips
    • You talking with a head-on shot, then you talking with a side view shot or a low angle shot, then back to the head-on shot.
  • Illustrations
    • Talk about the setting of the story and how you created your scenes. Demonstrate how you made one of your backgrounds by screencasting yourself creating a rough draft of a background in Illustrator.
  • Animation
    • Explain how you animated your characters and backgrounds in After Effects. Screencast yourself animating one of your scenes with your characters.
  • Green Screen
    • Ask someone to film you acting with someone recording you on the green screen and explain the green screen process from filming to keying out the green in AE.
  • Conclusion
    • Use the same location, background, clothes, & lighting to film from your intro in your conclusion. Make it short and sweet with some creativity. You should film yourself a brief summary and a thanks
    • e.g. Walk towards the camera while you are saying, "I hope you enjoyed seeing the making of "Title of your story" you know the process and what was involved in making it from start to finish. Thank you for watching and now, enjoy the story." Walk out of the scene.
  • Your Story
    • Insert your story project at the end of the video


There is no time limit but you need to make sure that you adequately cover all of the topics, content, and important information. The video cannot be longer than ten minutes. Do not make certain sections really short because you ran out of time; plan ahead. It is strongly recommended that you write out a script and practice what you are going to say to make sure it is swift and fluid.

Due Date

Tell Mr. Heil you are planning on doing it by April 23 (if you miss this deadline, you will receive half credit for a completed video). Rough draft due May 7, final due May 12.


It all depends on how good you do and falls under one of the following:

    • If you earned a passing project grade, you can earn an average of 10-20 points (which is a lot for a project grade). More points may be awarded if not many students do it. Be creative and feel free to go above and beyond the requirements. To ensure you will get a satisfactory amount of bonus points, show Mr. Heil your rough draft.