Documentary Structure


Take notes in your CA Book on how to tell your story through visual journalism (video). Take a photo of your notes and attach it to the email.

Narrative Arc

Take notes in your CA book on a Narrative Arc. Then watch one of the documentaries below and draw a narrative arc in your CA book and write down on the graph each of the parts shown in the documentary you chose to watch (make sure to indicate the conflict). Take a photo of your notes and narrative arc.

Make sure your narrative arc covers the following on the graph:


  • Background info (where does it takes place):
  • Who is/are the main character(s):
  • What is the First Plot Point (turning point) & the goal:


  • How will the character achieve their goal:
  • Second Plot Point (biggest complication):


  • What is the climax:
  • One sentence resolution:


Skim over this really good article on how to develop a concept for a documentary and write a few sentences on what you learned.

Post all requirements to Wordpress and the link to the spreadsheet.