DV Lighting

3D Lighting [7] [tutorial]

These are the last edits to your main dance video! After this it is just text titles and credits.

Part A

  1. 3D Lighting
    1. Follow the directions to create 3D lighting.
    2. Ambient
    3. On the chorus of the song where the beat is fast, use ambient lighting (video tutorial) to change the color of the scene for four seconds (four light changes at about one second each or when the beat changes) and then on a beat change to a different color, then another color on the beat, and finally no lighting effect and back to the original [Kenneth example]. Do not use dark ambient colors that will make it hard to see the dancer. You should have a set of at least four color changes occur twice during your dance, preferably during the chorus or fast part. When you apply the second set of beat changes, you can simply copy and past the key frames of the effect to the second part of the song (fast and easy!). The first image is the normal image and the second image below is 3D lighting.
    4. Match up one set of ambient light changes on an obvious beat. If you click on the music layer and choose Audio > Waveform like the example below, you will see the waves of the song and you can match the ambient light changes and keyframes to match the major beats.
    1. Render and export the two sets of clips and post to Schoology by the end of class.
      1. Part B
      2. Spotlight
      1. Then create one spotlight (use similar dimensions listed on the screenshot on the right); using the tutorial. Make the spotlight blink on the beats at least five seconds like the Spotlight Example.When creating your spotlight, adjust the cone feather and cone angle for each of the keyframes (use at least 10 keyframes adjustments). See the student example video (no audio) to understand how to do it.Try to avoid making the spotlight with pure black on the edges with no feather like the first example unless you think it is appropriate. The student example video above is a good amount of feather black.
      1. Lens Flare
      2. Add a lens flare to the last 3-5 seconds to fade the screen to white to end your video [tutorial].
      3. Upload the two short video clips of the spotlight and lens flare clips and post one video to Schoology.
    1. .



Follow the tutorial and use your choice of film look to get a stunning appearance to your dance footage. Apply the vintage tutorial to all of your dance clips. Add the brightness effect and increase the brightness if it is a little dark.