Lyric Music Video

Lyric Video Idea -->


CP 1 -->

CP 2 -->

CP 3 -->

CP 4

Upload the whole video that you worked on so far, (CP 1-4) to YT and the link to Schoology. Also upload your Kuler color scheme screenshot to Schoology. In the comment section of the YT video on Youtube, copy the info below and type the time where CP1, CP2, etc begin and which AE (After Effects Effect Requirement) you used for each AE1, AE2, etc.

CP1: 0:00

AE1: vertical pan

CP2: 0:12

AE2: spotlight

CP3: 0:18


CP4: 0:28


CP 5

Finish CP 5 according to your storyboard/outline. Make sure you include your AE requirement and remember to bring your storyboard sheets and grade sheet to each class. Upload only cp5 of your video to YT and the link to the spreadsheet.

CP 6a (Illustrator)

Complete the design section of your checkpoint by the end of class. Remember that the AI design section is worth 20% of your checkpoint grade and only what is posted on time will be graded for this AI section (unless you use a coupon to get more time). This timed assignment tests your ability to use your AI skills effectively and efficiently. Post the AI design JPGs for your design by the end of class for your Illustrator grade for this checkpoint. Do not post any designs that you previously made for a prior checkpoint or part of your song as you do not get double credit for a design you make.

CP 6b (After Effects)

Complete the animation section of your checkpoint. Post the YT video link to the clip. In the YT comment section (not Schoology), include the YT link to your past checkpoints to be used as reference points.




Then, create a new folder in your Google Drive called Last, First Name AI and place all of your AI files with JPG files for each AI file used in your project. Use the following file name system for each jpg/AI file (e.g. CP1 Watermelon, CP1 Night Sky Background, CP2 Lamp). Make the folder private and only share it with to give viewing rights.

CP 7a (Illustrator)

Same directions as CP 6a.

CP 7b (After Effects)

Complete the animation section of your checkpoint. Post the YT video link to the clip. In the YT comment section (not Schoology), include the YT link to your past checkpoints to be used as reference points.





CP 8 (AI/AE)

Complete both the Illustrator and animation section of your checkpoint. Post a screenshot of your Illustrator work for this checkpoint and your AI Google Drive link.

Then post the YT video link to only this CP clip. In the YT comment section (not Schoology), include the YT link to your past checkpoints to be used as reference points.






Also, post a screenshot of your CP7b comment that shows your name and date with your ten AE requirements.

CP 9a (Illustrator)

You will be graded based on the quality of your AI design and how you used the tools in Illustrator efficiently and effectively. You will receive a cp and/or quiz grade on this assignment.

Post the AI design JPGs for your design by the end of class for your Illustrator grade for this checkpoint. Do not post any designs that you previously made for a prior checkpoint or part of your song as you do not get double credit for a design you make.

Post your Google Drive link which has all of your JPGS and AI files from CP 1-9 (properly labeled from previous directions).

As a Schoology comment, explain any creative use of AI that would help in grading your AI designs.

CP 9b (After Effects)

Complete the animation section of your checkpoint. Post the YT video link to the clip. In the YT comment section (not Schoology), include the YT link to your past checkpoints to be used as reference points.







CP 10a (Illustrator)

Create your Illustrator designs for this checkpoint. Post the AI design JPGs for your design by the end of class for your Illustrator grade for this checkpoint. Do not post any designs that you previously made for a prior checkpoint or part of your song as you do not get double credit for a design you make.

Post your Google Drive link which has all of your JPGS and AI files from CP 1-10 (properly labeled from previous directions).

As a Schoology comment, explain any creative use of AI that would help in grading your AI designs.

Project CP 1-10 (After Effects)

Complete the animation section of your checkpoint. Post the YT video link to the clip. In the YT comment section (not Schoology), include the YT link to your past checkpoints to be used as reference points and indicate which required AE effect you used in each. These video clips will be used to grade your final project (rubric quality project grade).


CP1-4: (horizontal pan, 3D effect, spotlight, ambiant)

CP5: (words coming out of object)

CP6: (etc.)




Combined Video (After Effects)

Combine all of your final checkpoint 1-10 videos together that you want to have graded for your final project (not your partner's videos if you have one). Upload to YT and post both YT and Schoology comments.

Then upload your final video to this Google Drive folder and name it Your Last, First name, Partner's Last & First Name (if you have one). If you have a partner then one of you will combine your videos together (upload this one also to YT and provide athe link to Schoology).