Lyric MV Storyboard


Watch the 20 minute video which goes over very helpful tips that will help you animate more efficiently. Make sure to take notes so you remember these concepts for your project and a future quiz.


Click on the Lyric Project Doc and make a document copy (one per group or solo). Share it with and your group member (if you have one) and give them edit privileges. If there are parts of the song that repeat (e.g. chorus), you can repeat the same animation. Divide up the line responsibilities between your partner so that they are almost the same although sometimes the chorus lyrics are shorter lines than the verse lines so your number of lines per partner may not be the same. As a change, one does not have to create the first half and the other, the second half.

There are a number of things you have to post to Schoology below for this post:

Copy and paste the following as a Schoology comment but add your information. Also post your Google Doc link.

Lyric music video project

Song Name: On Top of the World

Artist: Imagine Dragons

Song Time: 3:10

Number of Lines: 47

Jay: 11

Joseph: 12

Repeat: 24

You can take your song into Garageband and edit the song if needed, especially if you are making it solo to shorten it. Attach your final song that you will use for the project to Schoology.

Solo & Partner

You will have about 10 classes to complete your project which is almost a month. Take the number of lines that you have above and write down which lines you want to finish in each of the 10 classes (make the work balanced), which is the list below. You will be responsible to meet these requirements and due dates. Copy and paste the list below to Schoology.

    1. -
    2. -
    3. -
    4. -
    5. -
    6. -
    7. -
    8. -
    9. -
    10. -

It is important that the animations are consistent and matching, especially if you use a partner. Remember that your group (or solo) should use the same color scheme throughout the video.

Use the storyboard you were given in class or print from this Schoology assignment. Finish the storyboards for your 10 classes. Use one storyboard per animation and you can break up lines of animation into more than one storyboard. Number your storyboards 1-10 and feel free to write 1a, 1b if you have more than one storyboard box per line. Make sure to use arrows to show the direction of the animation.

For your animation requirements you have to have the following for each person (does not matter if you have a partner or solo). In a colored pen (not black, blue, or pencil), indicate where you will be placing each of these (at least once) in your storyboard. Each of the 10 assignment checkpoint boxes in your storyboard have to have one of the following:

Use motion blur on every section/line of animation.

Take a picture of your storyboards and upload to Schoology.

Go to Adobe Kuler and with your partner (or solo if you don't have one) choose a color scheme (but not custom). Take a screenshot and post to Schoology. You do not have to use your color scheme for all of your slides and colors but use it whenever you have the freedom to choose a color. For example, if you are creating an apple, make it red even if it is not in your color scheme but if you are creating a car or a background color, the color is not that important so use one from your color scheme.