Fortunately Background

Using your background idea from your story's lines, create your background in Adobe Illustrator using 1920x1080 px dimensions.

Make sure to use the Illustrator tools that you learned such as gradients, pen tool, pathfinder tool, etc. Remember to be creative and feel free to vary your angles.

Use shapes and the pathfinder tool to combine and subtract the shapes to make your characters and background objects (e.g. clouds), only use the pen tool sparingly for things that cannot be used by shapes (like the waves of the ocean above).

Remember to add accent colors to the edges of your objects (e.g. trees, clouds, starfish, etc) to add more depth.

Do not use thick strokes on your objects.

If you have repeated objects or characters in the scene, you can use them from your classmates if needed.

When finished, save to your Google Drive and take a screenshot or export as JPG and upload to Schoology.