School Photo Shoot

During class (or anywhere outside on your own if you are a summer student), Mr. Heil will take the students around the YISS campus for a photo shoot where you will apply the photography concepts learned. When you take photos, make sure you have at least one photo that clearly shows each of the 12 terms in the list below.

  1. Maximize Depth of Field
  2. Emphasize Foreground
  3. Use the Sky
  4. Capture Movement
  5. Change Your Point of View
  6. Diagonal Lines
  7. Converging Lines
  8. Geometric Shapes
  9. Rule of Thirds
  10. Framing
  11. Use the Macro feature
  12. Overexpose a photograph

In your online Picasa, create an album called "School Shoot" and upload your 12 photos to the album. Do not upload less than 12 and no more than 15. In the caption, type a short description of the photo after you write the primary concept and any secondary photography concepts.

Caption Example

Primary: Converging Lines

Secondary: Framing

Lines on the gym floor

When you finish uploading your photos, go to the photo album so you can see all the photos from your Photo Shoot like the image below. On the right side under "Paste link in email or IM" copy the link and paste it into posterous. Also on the right side beneath the link click "Embed Slideshow" and choose extra large and copy the code and paste it into posterous beneath your link.

If you bring your camera transfer cord, you can load your photos to Picasa in class or you can choose to do it at home. The calendar says that it is due by next week.