Take Cube Photos

Keep in mind when taking your photos that you

will later crop your photo to a square the the one above

your final cube will not use these two dimensions



To apply the various photography techniques and composition rules learned in class to create a small collection of photography works with a specific subject you are passionate about.


  1. Take all your photographs in portrait size (later you will crop to a square so keep this in mind when applying rule of thirds in your photo), using the highest camera megapixel size on your camera (4 megapixel minimum). They should all be of the same theme that you had approved by the teacher. Later you will be making a small box with four main photos that are 4" (height) x 4" (width) photos, which is from the standard-size photo.
  2. When you take your photos, take a proof photo of yourself in the photo background. This is required; without it you cannot get credit.
    1. Take at least three photos of each of the four cube photo ideas that are the same topic. In total you will post 12 photos plus your proof photos to a new Picasa album like Yuriko's example below. Name the album Cube Draft. Add captions for all the photos by giving each cube photo topic a name (example below Crane, Bird, Grasshopper, & Bug) and name each photo the title and a number (e.g. Crane #1, Crane #2, Crane #3 and place your best photo as #1, second best as #2, etc).
    2. For each #1 photo, add the following info:
            1. Copy & Paste:
            2. FP:
            3. RULE:
            4. ANGLE:
            5. SHOT:
            6. LIGHT:
            7. DEPTH:
            1. Example:
            2. FP: shoe
            3. RULE: balance
            4. ANGLE: aerial
            5. SHOT: wide
            6. LIGHT: hard
            7. DEPTH: deep
    1. For your proof photo, add a caption that tells the location, an estimated time of the photo, and anyone who was with you while you took the photo.
    1. In Picasa it is important that the photo is at least 2,000KB or higher like the example below. If it is lower than this then it will print pixelated and not clear.Ask any CA student (past or current) to comment on the four photos they think are the best and tell them to explain why they are the best compared to the other ones. Then, choose for yourself which four photos you think are best and fill out the FP, SHOT, ANGLE, etc. for those four photos as a comment.
    2. The photos you take and choose do not have to be your final but do your best so you don't have to take again. This is only a checkpoint and so as long as you do it correctly, you will get full credit. You will have more time to take better photos if needed to replace your top four. I will also comment on your chosen photos in class or on Picasa.
    3. Take a screenshot showing all the photos in the album in Picasa and send to posterous along with a link to the album. Paste the Picasa link to the spreadsheet.