Intro Credits


In your group superhero film, all groups will follow this format sequence for the start of your film (watch the first 20 seconds above to see an example):

    • You will create an intro that starts with your group's production name (e.g. Dreamworks), which you will talk about and later decide; if you have any ideas for your name, email your leader right now otherwise he or she will decide later
    • then the title of your film will appear
    • followed by the names of your group members that are inserted over the first few clips of your film. It is good to use establishing shots and intro footage when placing text on these clips.

There are different ways of writing your group members' names. Watch the first 20 seconds of the student film above from Shanghai International school to see how they did it.


Open a new AE composition that is the typical widescreen dimensions and 5 seconds long in duration. Read all these directions before you view the video tutorial on the Handwriting stroke and make sure you do the following:

You will not have to create a vector cartoon character of yourself and do not write by Your Name. Just type and animate your first and last name for the animation and place it left aligned in the middle of your composition like the example above and use Century Gothic font & a font size that fills the middle according to how long your name is. Don't use a stroke size larger than 2pt. Do not use any white or black background layer and choose a white font stroke.

Each group member will make and animate their own name and later insert it into the intro of their film. Then, whoever wrote Act 1 will collect all of name AVI files and insert them on top of the first few video clips that intro the film.

Before you export, go to your Effect Controls (located at the top right) and change the Paint Style to On Transparent so that everything other than your handwriting is not shown.

If you want to find the effect controls for your text layer on the timeline, click on the search box in the timeline and type stroke. You can also move your keyframes here.

ExportWhen you are finished, go to Composition > Add to Render and click on "Lossless" in the Output Module...and change the Format to QuickTime and the Video Output to RGB + Alpha (this is like saving a photo as PNG and will make the black transparent when exported).Make sure the finished video is about 5 sec and post the video clip to your YT and the YT link and AE file to posterous and the spreadsheet. Also email the Act I member the AVI file so that they can have it for later to insert into the film.

group's production name, Productions