

You will now focus on one famous photographer and try to emulate or copy their style and theme. Choose one of the following photographers & use the specific photograph that was selected.

Read about the early photographers that you signed up for on iComment. Write a short paragraph in a new email to Posteorus about the photographer while briefly covering Background and explain why this photograph matches their Style/Theme while naming the theme.

When you take your photos, take many photos of the same pose to show you tried to get the exact photo. Post your best three photos in order (#1 is your best, #2 second best, etc) and post a fourth photo that is yourself at the location showing the subject. In the comment section of the #1 photo, list the following:







Upload your original photos to your Picasa in a folder called Emulate Draft. Add the original photograph that you are trying to copy as the first photo in the album so that we can compare it. Add a photograph of the original photographer as the last photo and in the caption of it write their name.

Do not use any Photoshop yet on any of the photos; they have to be approved first since you may have to retake if you did not do it correctly.

Post the Picasa link to posterous and take a screenshot of the photos in your Picasa and post to your posterous along with a photo of your notes.

Then ask a classmate or past CA student whose opinion you respect to look at your photos and ask them which photo looks the most like the first original photo. Ask them to make a comment on that photo and have them share comments on you could retake the photo to make it look even more similar. Then add the caption Best Shot to that photo if you agree with your classmate that it is the best. If you disagree then add the caption you think is the best and add Best Shot (friend) caption to the one your friend said was the best. Make sure you complete this before the due date of this checkpoint.


You should have received a Picasa or Posterous comment from Mr. Heil approving a photo or letting you know to improve. If it was approved then simply copy the Picasa web link to that photo and post to the spreadsheet.

If it was not then retake the photo and upload the new photos to a new Picasa album called Emulate Draft II while following the directions again from Part A to leave a comment in #1 and ask a friend to comment on the best one. Post the link to your picasa album to the spreadsheet and share the album with mouseflip@gmail.com or email me the link so that I can make comments for approval.


Now you will use Photoshop to make the approved photo look like the style of the famous photographer you chose. Make sure it looks as close as possible. Again, the closer it looks the higher the grade.

Now arrange in Photoshop the original photo on the left side and your photo on the right side. Black background and create a thick black border around both photographs with a narrow space between the photos next to each other. Below the photographs, create extra space and type the name of the photograph on the left side and your first and last name on the right. Make sure it looks nice.

Upload it to the MF Picasa Album and post the Picasa link to posterous the spreadsheet.

Take three different photos that follow the same style and theme of the photographer you chose. Make sure the photos that you choose to emulate and research are appropriate. You can choose the same subject or different subjects. For one of your photos, choose a photo that the famous photographer took and try to follow as much of the same theme/style and subject possible as the photo. The other two photos should still follow the same theme and style but does not have to try and match the same subject and pose.

The first photo is from Elliott Erwitt and the other photos are from a student. She did a great job in trying to emulate the photo to the best of her ability although it would have been better if she took the photo in fancy shoes and on a sidewalk with a building in the background.

In this photo, she did a good job trying to jump but she should have worn a dress and tried to get the same pose. She also should have had a low angle like the original first photo.

When you take your photos, take three versions of the same photo to try different composition methods and make sure that the fourth photo is a photo of yourself at the location showing the subject. If you have the same subject for all three photos, take nine different versions so you can choose three. In the comment section of each photo (except the one of yourself), list the following:





LIGHT: (you can use natural light or inside light which would be the studio lighting parts)


Upload your original photos to your Picasa in a folder called Emulate Draft. Add the photograph from the famous photographer immediately before the photo that you tried to copy when you took the picture. Do not use any Photoshop yet on any of the photos. Then ask anyone to comment on the three best photos and have them explain why and give you helpful feedback.

Post the Picasa link to posterous and take a screenshot of the three photos in your Picasa and post to your posterous and the links to the spreadsheet.

Write a paragraph on the background of the photographer. Start when he or she grew up and any influences (people, environment, events) they had when they were young or other influences that urged them to the photography style they developed. Include general info like years and countries but you do not need to provide specific dates and small cities.

Include any background on how they developed as a photographer from beginning to being famous.

Explain their themes of photography; what kind of things they take photos of. Also explain their style, how they take the photos.