Photo Categories


Use good lighting and color.

    1. Space (negative)
    2. -Use at least 75% negative space in the photograph. Be creative and avoid take photos of branches or simple things on the ground that are not creative or do not have good light
  1. Lines
  2. Shadows
  3. Framing
  4. Movement examples
  5. Lens Flare
    1. Leading the Eye ("bounce" the view at least twice)
    2. Aperture (make the subject in focus and the background is blurry)
    3. If you are using a point-and-shoot camera (press the photo button half way to focus on the subject) or a phone camera (touch the subject to focus like this example).
    4. Self Portrait (remember to clearly show your face and the camera)

You may not do the following:

    • take photos of other students or parents
    • pose a photo so it does not look natural