
Your Picasa

Create a new album in your picasa named "Story Draft I by Your First Name"

Add the following in the following order and for each of picture captions, label them an appropriate name (e.g. Title, Buble.us, Storyboard #3)

    1. Title page
    2. Author page (your cartoon with the text "Written and Illustrated by Your Full Name")
    3. Dedication page
    4. Background pages with your characters
    5. Insert your story text in each of the backgrounds; it is highly recommended that you continue to edit your story and look for ways to improve it. You may want to ask someone to help you edit. Make sure it is creative, unique, and has a twist.
    6. Insert a photo with the text "Story Narration" and include a link in the caption to the YT video:

Use Screentoaster again (or WMM/iMovie) to narrate your story. Focus on keeping your story flowing smoothly and possibly reading faster (like the stories I showed you on the videos in class, Gorilla & Moose stories) to keep your audience's attention...but don't read too fast so you are not understood. Don't worry about the time limit on this draft checkpoint.

MF Picasa

Upload the cartoon character of yourself that made in Illustrator to the MF picasa album.

  • Change it from your story requirement to have the following: portrait A4 size, white background, and your signature in the top right of the picture (write it (big) using the pencil tool in Illustrator).
  • Place the image of you at border of the bottom of the document and resize it to fit most of the document. Crop the document so that there is no white space between the four borders and your portrait.
  • Save the file as a PNG and name it your classID. Also, add your classID as the caption.

See the example and follow the same layout:

All backgrounds due, author, dedication page, & tite. Like the video you made for the plot video, make one now using your backgrounds, characters, and creative narrations. Use a drawn photo of your character for now.