Zappos culture was destroyed by Amazon

I am a former employee of Amazon (use to be at Zappos). So much has changed, almost none of it for the better. 

Before when it was Zappos, we got free/reduced vending, free insurance and it was remarkably awesome. Team morale was fun and productive and we got free catered lunch daily for all shifts. We were each someone valuable and important to the customers and we made a difference and it showed in the results. We were all part of an important process for customer satisfaction. The pride we took was important and people cared. It was more than a job - it was more like having a second family, even if it was a work family. The core values back then represented ethics, morals, character, and pride at Zappos. 

Now Amazon could care less. It's always about producing more for the man so he can earn a buck off every person (both employees and customers.) I was with them for almost 6 years and glad I've moved on after Amazon destroyed Zappos culture.