Just a number

You are just a number at Amazon. Amazon fulfillment centers and corporate offices are all the same. There are people there who will eat you alive. I personally thrived at my job and had no hiccups for a long time. Sadly, I’ve seen so many others who didn't succeed and a lot of that is because Amazon didn't give them the proper training or tools to succeed. That is disheartening because you along with everyone else are just a number to Amazon.

In the blink of an eye, they will fire you for a mistake as if all human compassion is gone from management here. Very few leadership team members will go out of their way to help anyone. I've had numerous conflicts with coworkers who refused to help new hires simply because they didn't want too.

Amazon management is awful. People will gladly step on you to get ahead and actual work ethic is rarely valued. It comes down to who is "favored" or who knows someone. Sadly, Amazon is what I'd imagine the real life Amazon jungle to be like. Some make it out alive and a lot don't. Out of a normal new hire group of 10 employees, only 3-4 at most make it past the first year and maybe 1-2 past the second year.

Under the law, people should be treated equally regardless of age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation etc. Hard work should be valued, not just who you associate with. I can personally say the management in my org is just like all the other departments I’ve seen: just plain awful. All complaints fall on deaf ears and the complainer is usually fired.