Squeezing you for 2 years

At Amazon, there is zero real career development. Regardless of career development discussions, nothing actually happens except to promote the friends of managers. When you do request career development guidance, they turn it around and ask you to fully map out what you want. When you do make this effort, they either don't respond or they provide useless feedback on your plan along the lines of "I know you want, but at the moment that path is not possible". Either way, your voice is never really heard. 

There is also a complete failure to deliver on promises. You're always given new roles and additional responsibilities with the promise that you'll eventually be promoted by accepting these new responsibilities, but it never happens.

There is no camaraderie or teamwork at Amazon. I remember one of the senior managers once lying and mentioning he doesn't believe in hiring friends in the workplace because it leads to employees not wanting to perform and outdo one another, but this is complete bull. Everyone knows that there are two classes of citizens within Amazon: those who are promoted regardless of their work and those who do the real work but are forced to leave within 2 years. Most of the time you feel like your managers are against you just to please their bosses, instead of backing you in getting things done.

Also, compensation at Amazon is a joke. Due to how the sign-on bonuses are structured, you will actually end up earning less after 2 years. Everything seems to be structured around squeezing the maximum out of you for 2 years.