Do not submit to fear

Amazon abuse is not just for warehouse workers. For anyone below level 5, you are subjected to bullying tactics, abuse of power and low pay. There seems to be a culture of fear to speak up or stand up for yourself. Lots of people are young or from other countries and might not know the labor laws and rights that they have. It is first jobs for a lot of people that don't have anything else to compare to.

So whatever they tell you about this is how companies operate is bullsh*t. I got better benefits and a better work environment and treatment working as a barista at Starbucks. Do not submit to the fear. Amazon isn't worth it. The stock is still over valued so don't think it won't drop because it WILL. RSU's vest every two years and you have to pay ordinary income on it AND then pay Morgan Stanley when you actually go to sell it. It's about 40-50% depending on your tax bracket.

Educate yourself on Labor Laws and rights of workers. They get away with this because nobody will call them out on their bullsh*t. You are perpetuating the problem. Do you want the blue pill or the red pill? Seriously, it is the Matrix.

We need groups of people speaking up and challenging the status quo or nothing will change. Amazon is not the only job in Seattle. Have more confidence in yourself and stop letting them brainwash you. Then and only then things might change.