Eventually gets everyone

I work at Amazon fulfillment center. I had a management background before taking a temporary job there.

All the horror stories on this website are very close to the reality I'm dealing with. I've never seen such a psychotic system in my life. 

There is no freedom of speech here to bring up being mistreated because everyone knows that will just result in getting you fired. So many of us could be the canary in the FC coalmine that could expose all of the problems and force Amazon to fix it, but they have everyone so twisted up in their crooked system, no one can breathe, let alone speak out. 

Since I'm planning on quitting soon, I went to the top FC 'leadership' last week and gave them a very hard spanking. The new senior guy seemed to hear me, but the older veteran ops manager is too enculted to have any kind of open mind. It's a very very sick sociopathic and psychotic system, which eventually gets everyone. 

Keep up the good work. Keep spreading the message of the truth of Amazon's culture. Keep fighting!