Combat in the work place

If you decide to join Amazon, my time there shows me that you will be treated as the the smallest cog in a big machine. You will be responsible for executing most of your departments demands and needs. You will report to managers who have very little understanding of the technical aspects of the business. Your managers will use you as a tool to get themselves promoted, which is everyone's highest priority at Amazon. The "disagree then commit" tenet that Amazon touts has been perverted into combat in the work place. Instead of moving ideas forward with constructive criticism, Amazon employees try to get recognized by tearing apart each other's ideas. 

Also, the work/life balance is really terrible. If you have a family, please do not take this job. I would recommend that individuals treat an Amazon position as a short term learning opportunity, because there's really no chance to succeed long-term based on actually performing well. The only way to last more than 1-2 years is by selling out and backstabbing everyone around you.