Fired if you want to transfer

Amazon put in some changes in the transfer rules late last year, but it hasn't helped at all. When you try to transfer, your boss inevitably puts in a report to HR about how you're supposedly a bad employee. Clearly the bosses are incentivized to do this, because it keeps good employees from internally transferring.

Once that happens, you're on a ticking clock. You're definitely going to get fired because they don't want you to transfer, so they are just building a case against you.

Your boss and HR then become increasingly hostile. Now, HR pretends to be there to help and to mediate disagreements but they're actually working against you by filling your file with any negative bullsh*t provided by from your boss.

HR will then start actively attacking you. New negative reports suddenly appear in your file. For example, a previous boss who had given you a good review supposedly has newly criticized you in some file that only HR can see. They want you to think you're at fault for daring to consider transferring away from your abusive boss.

They eventually fire you if you don't quit from all the pressure. They then give you a meager severance check, which is only valid if you sign an agreement where you promise to never sue them for their abuses.

I think it's only a matter of time for every single Amazon employee eventually finds themselves in this situation.

As far as I'm concerned, this makes all of Amazon a hostile work environment where employee rights are violated regularly. Since the problem really is across the board, the company should be shut down because they didn't seem to be interested in ever fixing it when it was jut a few departments and now it's everywhere.

No one who knows the truth about this will work there. Unfortunately, people don't know better and seem to think that it's glamorous because of the name and reputation for customer service. I think their hiring process is tuned to find people who will fall for their sales pitch without finding out the truth until it's too late. They keep having to search further and further away to find these people, so someday they will run out of places where people are still ignorant about the truth.