Temp RC

I was hired on as a contract employee last fall and was the first team member on a new team to be contract. My manager was a boomerang who had never worked with hourly employees before, let alone a temp. This should have been a huge red flag right off the bat but I was excited to finally get to work for a “real” company that I didn’t think much of it. 

After a few months, I began to take on new projects and eventually streamlined the entire process that my org used for hiring events, as well as restructured process documents for RC’s and Recruiters. 

My manager was MIA this whole time but had given me the green light to set this new process in motion, so I moved forward with the help of my team and the org as a whole began to improve. With the reestablished SLA’s, I moved on to other projects and continued to support other teams as well as my own.  I supported well over the number of recruiters I was supposed to, but I built such a strong relationship with my recruiters that I was able to manage (DOUBLE at least) the workload that I was supposed to. 

My manager sets up a 1:1 on my calendar and when I meet with her she tells me we’re about to start converting contractors into full time employees, and gives me a list of things to improve with a 3 week deadline. I wrote up a plan of action which she approved and continued to build relationships with my team. 

My recruiting team had mentioned to me multiple times that they reached out to my manager to commend my work ethic but she never responded to their emails nor did she tell me about them. 

I had a week of vacation I requested and right before I left my manager asked me if I would assist with recreating a process document for a struggling team. She said that since I had the most experience with creating process documents and because of my interest in project management, she had offered to lend me to this team when I came back. 

Thinking this would help me convert to a full time employee, I agreed and went on vacation. 

While I was gone, my manager converted two other contractors (that I had personally trained) and when I came back, the team I was to “help” had no need of me. 

I wasn’t allowed to continue to help my recruiting team, and I wasn’t given anything to do with this new team. 

A week later, I got a call from my contractor company saying that I was no longer needed, effective immediately, and that I had failed to comply to a formal evaluation. 

Long story short: I streamlined multiple processes and embodied the principles of an “Amazonian” and my reward for that was to be let go without explanation. 

It’s not just me, and it won’t end with me. 

We deserve better.