Not actually competent

Amazonians try to solve non-technical problems by engineering themselves out of them, which often makes things worse. People here don't understand that a simple solution (like some help text in your application) is often the best one rather than keeping the users guessing on how to use the application and studying their failures to figure out their non-intuitive screens.

Most Amazonians don't smile in the office very often. The culture is very dull and full of disappointments. People get promoted after pushing for positive peer feedback instead of competence at their jobs, which leads to frustration of those who actually are competent. There's not much teamwork since everyone focuses on individual achievements to get promoted on, which leads to unhealthy competition. If someone is so ahead of their peers at delivering results that it frustrates others, management usually won't recognize the true situation and will punish or even fire that person for poor peer feedback.

Amazon needs to recognize that their culture is failing because so many competent and even superior performing people get frustrated and leave due to the lack of recognition of their contributions. Until that happens, everyone is going to keep going through the revolving door and leave before Amazon can ever build up any positive long-term tribal knowledge of actually competent people.