Old boys club

As of this most recent performance review cycle, Amazon has done a much better job for junior engineers. No one has to tear each other apart any more by writing negative stuff about your peers to get ahead. The promotion process has also gotten much better for them.

However, from the mid-level (Level 5 managers and up/Level 6 engineers and up), it's still an old boys club controlled by whoever your VP wants to promote, regardless of merit.

Thank you to the New York Times for bringing this deep-rooted issue to light. Thank you to the FACE of Amazon for continuing to illuminate the current situation.

It's clear the middle managers are protected by the VPs/SVPs/HR/Bezos. They can still do whatever they want with their employees. It is still very disturbing and I wonder if they think they've fixed the problem because it's clear that's not the case. People are still leaving in 2-3 years now instead of 1-2 years like it was in 2015.