Management shuffle

Interesting to hear about some people at our local FC recently. I heard two of their Operations Managers were busy buying season tickets to baseball games on company time, with the receipts and maybe even the tickets being sent to them there; there was a copy of the receipt left in the printer. I didn’t see them, but season tickets are thousands of dollars each, and the two people buying them were my current Operations Manager and the former Site Leader. If they’ve got that much spare cash to blow on things like that, imagine how much Amazon is paying them for what little they actually do.

And it gets better: the former Site Leader was such a screwup for that job that he didn’t even last a year, but Amazon let him transfer to a new job at a new site, and he wasn’t qualified for that job, either, according to their own job posting.

Amazon Management is the gift that keeps on giving. No matter how unqualified you are, you can get a promotion or a transfer, but if you’re an actual worker who makes packages get delivered, you have just about zero chance of even getting to a management position, no matter how qualified you are.