ONT6 Metal Detectors

There has been an increase in questions as to why we don’t have metal detectors at the entrances. Amazon doesn’t feel that they are necessary at this time because we have a variety of security controls in place at our FCs such as pre-employment background checks, trained security onsite, controlled access, full height turnstiles and a workplace violence program designed to identify warning signs early so risk can be mitigated,

            Our leaders are trained annually to identify potential warning signs and our loss prevention team is certified to perform risk assessments. Through this program, risks are reviewed by experts in workplace incident management such as hiring off duty police officers are put in place if there is a known risk. Your safety is our top priority.


This was sent to us by our HR team! It’s the ONT6 Newsletter - Week of 4/8/2018! I am impressed! Impressed that I didn’t fall out of my chair, choke, and wet myself while laughing! Seriously, I could not have written such wonderful derisive mockery no matter how hard I tried and I do this professionally! Bravo HR team! John, you should be proud!

            Now listen! That there’s an increase in questions as to why we don’t have metal detectors at the entrances, I do not doubt as we at the ONT6 Fulfillment Center, as with all FCs in the Amazon.com chain, are so stressed, worried, hassled, harassed, hurried, extremely anxious; over-worked, under-paid, pushed beyond our limits by our “so-called” leadership that it’s hard to imagine some of the “folk” working at the FC don’t show-up some days with a Thermal Nuclear Device hidden in their over-coats! Who’d know?

            Take note! Amazon doesn’t feel that they are necessary at this time because! And why? From an Open Letter to Amazon.com I just wrote: Amazon.com refuses to acknowledge that the possibility exists that it could be wrong! Amazon.com is never wrong! “It’s not our fault!” is the mantra used by this company! No matter the situation that which ‘comes what may’ Amazon.com is never to blame! To big to be wrong! Be it the workers, the vendors, quests visiting the facility; an act of Almighty God! Amazon.com is not at fault! But is Amazon.com wrong here?

            Pay attention please! We live in highly tense, ultra-hyper, wholly agitated society moving at or near the Speed-of-Nonsense where people are so at the breaking point that anything could and probably will sooner or later happen! And to falsely claim that a variety of security controls in place at our FCs such as pre-employment background checks, trained security onsite, controlled access, full height turnstiles and a workplace violence program designed to identify warning signs early so risk can be mitigated… Our leaders are trained annually to identify potential warning signs and our loss prevention team is certified to perform risk assessments. Through this program, risks are reviewed by experts in workplace incident management such as hiring off duty police officers are put in place if there is a known risk. Your safety is our top priority is the very definition of the Speed-of-Nonsense!

            Now focus! I don’t care how you prepare it will not, if and/or when it comes, be seen! Too many stories are seen daily in the media! Few if any warning is ever made let alone seen! And to suggest that Your safety is our top priority is to participate in the Theater of the Absurd! Once again from my Open Letter to Amazon.com:

            To the idiots in charge! Oh by the way, ‘idiot’ is a Greek Word, clever chaps those Greeks! Basically it means: ‘One who freely abdicates personal well being to the Public Domain!’ The Public Domain being Amazon.com and its minions! More to the point! When management or our “so-called” leadership blatantly disregards something they know to be wrong but do it anyway; ergo, they are functioning as ‘idiots!’

            To the point! Cheap, cheap and more cheap! Amazon.com doesn’t want to spend the extra funds needed in order to man, with our trained security onsite, and I’m laughing myself silly again; those before mentioned metal detectors at the entrances! In short, Amazon.com won’t pony-up the money needed to ensure our safety! They are not prepared as no one was prepared for 9/11 which just came outta nowhere! Just as an unhinged Amazonian, think ‘Going Postal’ which has become ‘Going Com’ could come outta nowhere and Make History! Therefore, what our vaulted HR team’s suggesting just doesn’t work that way!

            One last thing! If and when this happens, and I pray that it doesn’t, the funds needed to pay all those pesky law-suits will come out of Amazon.com’s insurance and not their working capital (what’s known as ‘Free cash flow’! No harm! No foul! Again, to the HR team which wrote this wondrous piece of literature, possible fantasy: Great job!




Mark Oglesby (login: moglesby).