Most employees are not happy

I worked at Amazon for over 6 years. I got strong performance reviews 5 years in a row. Then a manager who barely met with me throughout the whole year suddenly gave me a bad annual review. He offered me a PIP (or what they call self-termination.) It was pretty obvious that I was out and I didn't want to get fired at the end of three months of stress, so I agreed to quit.

I felt that it was due to age discrimination. I was in my mid-40s and most of my team was under 30. I didn't try a lawsuit or anything since I didn't have proof. A month after I left, two more team members also left. The timing made me think they had taken the PIP and then got fired.

My message is simple: don't work at Amazon. It's true that most employees are not happy there. My biggest regret is that I let the overall stress affect my health and family. Getting kicked to the curb really diminished my confidence.