Done over by the managers

I have worked for amazon for 2 and a half years now and constantly see people being put under intense pressure especially around peak which is christmas time. I have experienced overtime being offered, then told if we want overtime to put our name on the overtime list that way you can not be refused overtime. So I wrote my name on the list, then got told by an ops manager that all overtime has been cancelled even if you have your name on the list and no one is to turn up or they will get sent home. After I followed their instructions, I later on find out that 40 people turned up for overtime (ones even without the name on the list) and they did their 60 hours and didn't get sent home? Ops managers told them on the sly "there's no overtime but if you come in then I doubt anyone would notice".  I'm sorry but a lot of people were relying on that overtime money and we got done over by the managers big time. 

Not just that, I broke my ribs a couple months ago, recovery time for a break to the ribs is up to 3 months. I had to go back to work after 8 weeks, in which amazon would only pay me for 3 weeks! I was in agony and still I was made to pick up heavy boxes etc. 

I would love to be amazon's customer because the damn site treats them a lot better than their employees. I'm looking for another job, with the only thing that's keeping me working for amazon is the friends that I have made there and its a stable job until I find something else. 

It really is as bad as most people say it is.