The badge trick

Amazon uses a "badge trick" to get rid of employees in their first year. Usually they do this when manager thinks the new person is a "bad hire". I am not sure but this might be an illegal firing technique. 

The trick goes like this:

You are sitting in a crowded training and watching the presentation of a manager. Then your peer/friend comes and tells she forgot her badge and could she borrow yours. Without hesitation to help a friend in difficult situation, you lend your Amazon badge and she goes out with it. 

After a few hours, your manager calls you in his office. When you go there, he says you violated a security policy by lending your badge. Looks like your "friend" who borrowed the badge immediately told the news to him. Your boss fires you on the spot probably without any severance package.

This didn't happen to me. I lasted about 3.5 years at Amazon. I observed this event during my first year in Amazon. A young manager was fired in his first year using this badge trick.

Thus, my recommendation to the new hires of Amazon, don't lend your badge to anyone, even if you consider them as your "friends".