Fraudulent fraud detection team

I work in Amazon's TRMS team. (I think it's name means transaction risk management system, but it's really the fraud detection team who review and identify fraudulent transactions across Amazon: marketplace sales, AWS use, inventory, etc).

It's ironic that TRMS has so much fraud in their management practices worldwide, considering their job responsibilities. For example:

1. The management process is abusive everywhere. There is a lot of favouritism and discrimination. They constantly push employees beyond their limits.

2. There is a useless daily huddle. It's absolutely useless. All the TRMS ops team needs to line up like school children and listen to boring managers give "motivational" speeches. They just keep repeating themselves to say nothing useful.

3. There is little opportunity for career growth unless you are "friends" with someone big within the organisation.

4. We are asked all the time to come up with innovative ideas to improve process and think outside of the box. However, the TRMS managers just ignore pretty much everything and say "it's too difficult to implement."

5. The training provided does not reflect the actual job. Even less support is provided for the employees once they start working on real tasks. You are truly on your own unless you are "picked" to be a favourite (maybe by dating a senior manager?)

If you are looking for modern slavery, just work for Amazon. There's a BBC Panorama show everyone should watch. Its called "Amazon The Truth Behind the Click". You can find it on youtube here:

Is anyone surprised Amazon TRMS has a employee retention issue because of the above? They keep hiring, training, and then firing people without any valid reason. They put people on improvement plans whether or not they are meeting the targets. It's pretty pathetic because all Amazon has to do is clean the management layer and all of these problems would be solved.