Quickly resentful

Amazon is the ultimate definition of boring work. They actually want machines doing this work, so they treat you like one. You don't get to learn anything or challenge yourself. Amazon does management hiring from outside the fulfillment center which is demoralizing. There are a few roles Amazon does promote from within, but everyone is competing for them so your chances are slim and it's all based on favoritism anyway.

Non-stimulating routine work puts all your fellow coworkers into a poor mood. Almost all begin to resent the company after a few months of realizing this is all they get to do. No job skills to learn or add to your resume unless you move up, which is nearly impossible. Hard work is praised with silly prizes like a $5 gift card or a t-shirt. If you're really good, you get an ambassador position, which equals more work for the same pay.

Amazon associates need more opportunities to learn and do different things. They need to actually build relationships with their supervisors and grow in their careers, not just hear from managers because they're getting written up. Poor employee relations and non-stimulating work are the biggest reasons for the high turnover rate.