No diversity

No matter how Amazon promotes itself as a diverse employer, they’re not. All you have to do is look at the chain of command in all the FCs and SCs, and you’ll see that there are very few people in management who are women or minorities; they’re almost all exclusively white men (and a few white women) ranging from their early to mid-30s and 40s. There’s hardly anyone who’s a minority or over 40 that’s in management at the FCs, SCs, or even HQ.

That shows you how diverse the company really is. If they’ll hire people fresh out of college with no experience as an AM or higher, but won’t hire that same person if they’re in their 40s or even 50s and have more experience, it’s obviously age discrimination. I’ve seen a bunch of idiots fail miserably at their jobs in the FCs and SCs in my area, and instead of being fired, they were either promoted or allowed to transfer to another position in another city. And they hire people who don’t even meet the basic qualifications of the job description, but won’t even consider people who are in their 40s or 50s and have a lot more skills and experience than the people fresh out of college.

All their rah-rah talk about being a great place to work, empowering employees, and working to make things better is complete bullsh*t; general managers/site leaders/AMs don’t listen to anything the people doing the work suggest; it’s nothing but delay, delay, delay, hoping you’ll forget about it and move on. But they’re more than willing to implement one of their own hare-brained ideas that ends up costing the company money and accomplishes nothing. Management at it’s finest: incompetent.

The reason most people don’t stay there longer than 18 months is because management won’t promote people who have knowledge and skills that threaten them; it makes them feel insecure in their job, so they’ll never promote them. There’s no mentoring of any kind; no helping people plan or move forward in their career path in the company; no training. It’s all just trying to stab people in the back so management can continue to promote their favorites (and get promoted themselves), and target people to find a reason to terminate.

If people would stop buying stuff from Amazon, and all non-management employees would participate in a continuous strike until the company comes to the table and agrees to worker demands for better pay, better working conditions, paid time off, full company-paid benefits, real promotion opportunities for everyone, and stock options (not restricted stock units), everyone would be in a much better position than we are now. Management can’t do all the work themselves, and they can’t fire everyone, so there’s no downside to hurting them in the short term to get what we need in the long term.

Let’s all plan a strike during Peak 2018!