Tedious and mindless

The definition of Amazon is tedious and mindless work. I took this job because I was going through a difficult time and I thought that this "challenge" would be what I needed to ramp up and become a really high performer like I always hear about from the recruiters. I quickly discovered this was not the case. My brain needs to be doing something productive at a job and it could not handle the boredom of constantly fighting operational bugs without any time given to actually fix them. Only a few select people who are their manager's favorites are chosen to do somewhat interesting project work which might get them a promotion. The rest of us rotate through the on-call cycle with a never-ending pile of tickets. Then we each get crappy reviews for doing exactly what we were asked to do. Then we either quit before or are fired right after our second annual review. I didn't even mention the blatant sexism, racism, and other discrimination that goes along with the favoritism. 

In summary, Amazon is a wonderful place to work if you are apathetic, white, male and have no ethics or morals. For the rest of us with proper career growth aspirations, it is a very sexist and racist environment and they do not respect their employees. I never even had a single one-by-one meeting with my manager in just over 2 years.