Irrational micro-managers

Amazon is full of irrational micro-managers who don't know how to do their jobs other than by nitpicking everything their employees do. The crazy thing is our large workload should make those micro-managers not have time to behave this way, but they just waste a lot of time instead of actually helping us get the job done. It's important that we have enough employees to be able to do each job efficiently. Anytime we try and do a job with a skeleton crew it increases the number of mistakes made and the amount of time it takes to get our projects done. It also makes us very tired and very upset because no positive acknowledgement is ever given for a job well done. 

The other problem is professionalism. All management needs to be trained on professionalism. They constantly misbehave towards employees and are never held accountable for favoritism. Also, management and HR need to be on the same page when it comes to processes and procedures since everything seems to be inconsistent and this is probably illegal.