Out the door

Amazon has an extremely high turn over rate. It is a revolving door. The system is designed to hire and fire people because everything is based on a rate system that changes every week. They don’t care about the employees, only the customers. If you have a legit problem with an associate or management, then you are basically on your own. No one will help you no matter how much you complain based on the real facts. If you are not kissing anyone in leadership’s behind, your chances of moving up are basically zero.

Management intentionally does things to get people fired. Lunch breaks are only 30 minutes and the normal breaks are 15 mins, but it normally takes at least 3-5 mins to get to a break room and 3-5 minutes to get back. You constantly have to be busy all through the night even if there’s no obvious work to do or you will be fired for too much ToT (Time Off Task).

Most managers are hired right out of college. Some of these people cannot perform the jobs that they are supposed to be doing but expect the associate to perform at 100% everyday or they’re out the door. They show a total lack of compassion for anyone but the ones who are their favorites.