illegally fired for unionization

I worked at an FC for 5 years leaving last September totally burned out. When I first started there in 2010 a co worker was trying to get a union movement started. He would openly talk to other employees about unionization. He actually had a leader from the Postal Workers Union meet with us off of company property. He and I were the only two employees at the meeting I was at. Other employees were too worried about being caught and losing their jobs. I was only employed part time because I had another job at UPS so I was familiar with the benefits of being a part of a labor union. 

To make a long story short Amazon ended up firing my co worker for "time off task" but everyone understood he was fired for attempting to unionize (which is a protected activity and it is illegal to fire for this). I also saw older employees harassed and "let go" for not being able to meet production standards. A former manager of mine from Amazon who was fired told me he'd laugh his ass off if they ever were able to successfully unionize. Their All Hands Meetings always have a couple minutes of anti union talk for the employees. The place is a joke. I have a brother who still works there. I hope this effort succeeds! Keep up the good fight!!