All in the past

Every time someone wants to criticize The FACE of Amazon, they say "it's all in the past" or "it's all old news". Although it's true that Amazon was worse a decade ago when I worked there, it's still the worst high tech company around, according to all my friends who continue to struggle to survive there.

They still focus their HR and legal departments exclusively on silencing and getting rid of anyone who dares to challenge their broken culture. They hired Jay Carney from Obama a couple years ago just to keep pushing positive stories to all his media buddies, but all the lipstick in the world can't cover up the stink of this pig.

The attitude of every manager in Amazon, from Bezos on down is "there's a line out the door of people waiting to join" so it's perfectly ok to to destroy careers within the company and fire people who do a good job and work hard, as long as they're outside your political clique.