Money isn't enough

I just left Amazon after 2 very painful years. Even though I did my job really really well and got top performance ratings both years, my manager kept threatening to give me bad reviews and put me on a PIP nearly every month. I also didn't want to transfer like so many people suggested because I know my manager would have dragged out the transition process and made it very painful for me like he has done for many others. He seemingly believes that fear of being fired is the only motivation to keep people working hard. Since he's been around Amazon for a long time, I guess he's considered successful even though so many good people have left just to get away from him. 

Amazon is a really strange place where the overall business model seems to be working really well for customers and stockholders, but employees are constantly leaving (I think I heard it was >50% turnover every year or something). Since the stock has been doing so well, one would think that the money would keep people around. However, the experience is so painful that Amazon appears to be the ultimate place which teaches people that money can't buy happiness when their work life sucks so badly.