Babysitting before firing

After being excited to join Amazon, I quickly found out the truth. My real job as an Area Manager is to babysit. I will repeat: I was being hired to babysit. I spend the vast majority of your time issuing documented warnings to my associates. When they make a mistake, I go slap them on the wrist. When they are off-task for a few minutes, I go find them and reprimand them. I have to focus on the negative all of the time because that is the nature of working in an Amazon Fulfillment Center where numbers are king. Most importantly, I will never learn any technical or real operations skills because my role exists to create justifications for people to be fired, whether they deserve it or not. Even then, firing decisions for my direct reports are often made without my input. Sometimes, the firing itself happens without my knowledge, thus exacerbating the feeling that I was hired only to babysit, not to run a business operation. Amazon knows they burn through people so they're always more worried about justifying firings rather than actually trying to make the workplace livable for actual living breathing humans.