Culture of hypocrisy

"Flexible ethics" is what you really need at Amazon to slither up the greasy pole. If you are comfortable with dishonesty, backstabbing and harming others, then this is the place for you.

Amazon's Leadership Principles are nothing but a fallacy. Individually, they appear to have merit and may even be inspiring, but their practical purpose is to allow managers to tell employees that they are failing in a way that cannot be challenged. 

Dishonesty, politics and an ethical void pervades the management structure at all levels. Amazon is a company with no moral compass and a deep immaturity in its disposability attitude toward its employees.

Amazon is the ultimate driver of a corporate culture of hypocrisy. In typical Amazon style, what you do and what you claim to do must be different things much of the time. Being supportive of your colleagues will never get you ahead, so you must claim to do this, but you will eventually be denied career progression for refusing to betray and attack your colleagues.

There are two ways to exist at Amazon: you can either behave unethically toward others for your own advantage or you can be quickly chewed up and spit out. There is no other option.