The honeymoon is over

The honeymoon is over right after you start at Amazon. You will immediately see that the working environment is full of broken politics and red tape. The annual performance review is totally useless and biased. No managers really care about your career goals even if you are a high performer, unless your manager really "likes" you (which means that you're helping him get promoted). 

Amazon is a very internally competitive place to the point of being unhealthy. You need to beware of subtle backstabbing by your teammates. You can't trust your team easily at Amazon. In addition, this workplace has a low diversity and I can definitely say that there are some negative biases against minorities. 

You should avoid Amazon if you can find better options. I'm going to leave as soon as I can line up a new job.

Jeff Bezos: your employees are your customers. They can help you improve your company if you give them the chance to honestly perform, rather than just worrying about politically protecting themselves. Treat them like customers.