Sick leave from stress and anxiety

Warning: if you have obligations outside work (such as parenting your kids), Amazon expects more than 24x7 commitment from everyone. There have been very many instances of my fellow employees going out on sick leave from stress and anxiety. No one in management pays attention as to why this is happening or provides the appropriate support for these employees This is because Amazon is a burn out mill and these employees will probably be fired soon, since it appears that they have been fully used up in providing their perceived maximum value to the company. The result is very high turnover of staff. People suddenly disappear on a regular basis and are never heard from again. 

The senior management attitude is to only focus on things that go wrong and never reward regular workers for what has gone well. This is a very depressing attitude to take in an environment that demands so much from individual contributors. With rare exceptions for a few good managers here and there whose ideal behavior is not encouraged by leadership, Amazon simply doesn't how to encourage a positive collaborative culture. 

The only people I would recommend join Amazon are those who are willing to throw themselves completely into their career with no personal life whatsoever to get a few years experience and the Amazon name on their resume. But be prepared - most teams in Amazon will suck the life out of you if you let them.