Do not value honesty

After a bad experience working at Microsoft, I wanted to make sure Amazon wouldn't be the same, so I was truthful in my Amazon phone interview about had happened there, even though it didn't seem to fit in with the Amazon principles somehow. Then I asked the interviewer if it was true that 20% of people were fired per year; if you do a great job, your coworkers will gang up on you to give you a bad performance review to get rid of you; and if you complain about sexual harassment, you'll be fired. She denied everything, and the interview seemed to end quicker than expected. The next day, I got a rejection email.

I was kind of disappointed, thinking that my honesty and risk-taking would be appreciated, and rejection always hurts a bit. Am I not good enough to make it through this interview process that is supposed to select only the best? And I remembered that the two people I knew from other jobs who had worked at Amazon were the most back-stabbing, brown-nosing people I had ever met with about the worst job skills. However, they're not working at Amazon anymore, and you would wonder if those qualities are what is needed to stay employed there. But maybe the competition was too fierce for even them.