Sorry, but Jeff doesn't care

I have been in a Fulfillment Center now for almost two years. I've seen it all. This is my hypothesis: Jeff knows, but couldn't care less.

Do we really think that a guy that is known for micro management doesn't know exactly how is company is run? I'm sure he does. I would bet everything I have on it.

I think that Amazon treats their talent like a really kick ass rocket on the 4th of July. They get these really young kids right out of college at 22 and get them all excited. Then they light them up and let them fly.....and a year later they burn out. Then when they are gone, they just recruit another wide-eyed clueless ex-fraternity wonder-boy. They have a never ending supply. There are thousands of kids graduating all the time. All of them need jobs. They sign a 2 yr contract and most don't make it 2 years so Amazon gets a nice chunk of the sign on bonus back. Makes sense.

I'm not part of the management structure. I'm just a grunt. I see it all though. But this is one thing I do know: Amazon is not Walmart. As we have seen recently if associates at a Walmart decide they want to unionize, what happens? Walmart simply closes that store. Amazon is in a much different situation. They have spent billions and billions of dollars setting up their infrastructure. They are going to open many, many Fullfillment Centers. They are essentially over the proverbial barrel. Amazon is now dependent on their FC's and the people that staff them to make their business run. That being said, they should have no choice but to listen and change. Could you imagine a strike with the FC's involved? It would be devastating.

But, like I said before, Jeff doesn't care. If he cares about the future of his company (because we all know he could care less about the people), he might think about implementing some changes. After all, he is the reason the culture is how it is. Make no mistake about that. To think otherwise is ignorant.