ONT6 Attendance Policy

In most companies, those with actual human hearts; unpredictable situations, many of which are beyond our control - like a flat tire, missing your bus or a family emergency are normally excused due to the fact that; well, it’s a case of, as stated; unpredictable situations, many of which are beyond our control - like a flat tire, missing your bus or a family emergency! So what’s really up? Ont6 and most of Amazon.com could care less what working people go through! It has nothing to do with unpaid time off or UPT! It has everything to do with the ill-treatment of the Amazon.com workforce and with the relationship of working people being dominated by their employer! Get real! We are nothing but data-stream in your virtual eyes! Amazon policy is to bring in the new washout the old and the UPT policy is nothing but a device to accomplish this goal! HR’s name should be “The Goon Squad” which carries out the dictates of Amazon.com’s hiring and termination policy! Everyone sees Amazon.com’s “HUGE” hiring numbers! But what no one sees is the vast number of those thrown out of work whose lives, meager as they might be, might be crushed by the loss of, once again extremely meager earning, their income! God Bless the Amazon!