Lots of problems


1. There's NO AIR CONDITIONING at our site (even we are talking 90+ degree weather in the summer)

2. Managers play favorites, so certain people can stay for as many or few hours as they like.

3. There are very few full time positions. Instead they just create more part time shifts and rotate through new people

4. Most equipment works for a day and is broken for weeks but we're getting written up while we wait around trying to fix it

5. Managers hardly let anyone do a different job without begging for it

6. HR doesn't really exist. They only seem to help managers to fire people.

7. It takes way too long for them to train you in new skills

8. For most, it's a dead end job. There are no opportunities for advancement.

This is the most bittersweet job I have ever worked at. The bitter far outweighs the sweet paycheck.