Low quality managers

The problem was clear during my 2 years at Amazon: Jeff Bezos just needs to get rid of the low quality managers that surround him. Amazon has mostly good software developers. The rotten management is the cancer that needs to be cleaned out because they drive away the few good managers and anyone else they see as a threat to their dominance.

The bad management really want employees to bad mouth each other all the time. This solves their need to fire 10% of their staff every year according to the ranking process since they can pick their least favorite people and highlight the worst feedback as justification for firing them, even if those people are actually awesome at their jobs and the feedback was nonsense from jealous idiots. The result is that some groups lose 60% of their staff every year. 

Also, management never act before problems appear. When they finalize acknowledge the problems, they only think about who to blame and then fire those people, even if they had nothing to do with it. It's all about protecting their turf.