Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Other stories on this site and other internet chat boards already said this, but I can't emphasize enough how much your manager controls your destiny at Amazon. In my case, I started strong a couple years ago and got a really great review my first cycle after leading my awesome team to accomplish some great projects while continually attracting new engineers. However, it all went downhill starting 10 months ago after my old boss was reorganized away to give my team to another director since our org leadership team apparently wants to help my new director get promoted. The difference is night and day. My new director is just plain incompetent and everyone hates being around him. He tries to micromanage rather than empowering me and my team like my last boss, but he totally has no clue what's going on. My team is starting to leave due to him, so this attrition will most likely get me a bad review a few weeks from now and then I'm sure a PIP will come next. I really don't see any way to fix this since there's no way I can take my concerns to his bosses who want him to get promoted regardless of whether he deserves it or to HR since that apparently just makes things worse. My only remaining choice is whether to just quit or wait to get fired. This really sucks since Amazon is supposed to be about strongly owning your job, but I'm truly stuck between a rock and a hard place with no way out other than career death.