Multiple discrimination


I am a former employee of Amazon HQ who did not sign a gag order or accept a severance. As a former direct report to the CEO of another tech company, I was demeaned, physically isolated, denied admin credentials for platforms I was held responsible for, repeatedly denied assistive software later awarded to my coworkers without request, and discriminated on account of multiple protected classes-- a strategy I now understand is common to protect Amazon against legal action. Once I was diagnosed with Autism following a medical leave of absence, my manager and skip level used this as proof that I was incapable of leading or influencing leadership.

After presenting my case, I was classified as a whistleblower in writing by Amazon's Employee Experience arm. Still, I was fired/placed on PIVOT in retaliation and dismissed one month later. I would like to start a podcast that enables those who signed gag orders to speak anonymously. 

I submitted docs to the EEOC who felt I could not prove wrongdoing without the internal management files or my own personnel record. Neither was availed to me after 18 months of requests as an employee and also following my departure.